Pictures That Change History: Why the World Needs Photojournalists?


Donald R.Winslow, a photographer and editor of News Photographer magazine says: “We now live in the most visual, literate society America has ever had”. Despite that, the number of photojournalist decreased considerably and “there are eyes missing on major stories”, explained Ron Haviv, war photographer.

Haviv described to the Atlantic, the first time one of his photos changed history. The photo shows a supporter of Panamian dictator Manuel Noriega attacking elected Vice President Guillermo Ford in Panama City, in 1989.  What is striking is not just the violence we see, but the Panamanian soldier standing in the background and doing nothing. How does that kind of photography can change History? Why the world needs photojournalists?


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Pictures That Change History: Why the World Needs Photojournalists?